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Acosta, Mercedes de, 1893-1968

LC control 92029690
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3501.C7
Personal name headingAcosta, Mercedes de, 1893-1968
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Variant(s)De Acosta, Mercedes, 1893-1968
Poole, Abram, Mrs., 1893-1968
Birth date1893
Death date1968
Found inHer Papers, 1855-1964 (Mercedes de Acosta; b. 1893; d. 1968; American writer and socialite of Spanish parentage)
LC in RLIN, 8/19/92 (hdg.: Acosta, Mercedes de; usage: Mercedes de Acosta)
Burke, W.J. Amer. authors and books, 1962 (Acosta, Mercedes de [Mrs. Abram Poole], 1900- ; poet, novelist, playwright)
Invalid LCCNno 92032182