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Durham, Judith, 1943-2022

LC control 95002046
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDurham, Judith, 1943-2022
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See alsoCorporate body: Seekers (Musical group)
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Associated countryAustralia
Birth date1943-07-03
Death date2022-08-05
Field of activityPopular music
Profession or occupationSingers
Found inSimpson, G. Colours of my life, c1994: t.p. (Colours of my life : the Judith Durham story) t.p. verso (Durham, Judith, 1940- ) p. 8 (b. July 3, 1943, Essendon, Australia)
LCCN 92-765046: Australia land of today, p1991
NLA WEb OPAC, June 22, 2004 (Durham, Judith, 1940- )
Judith Durham Web site, June 22, 2004 (b. July 3, 1943)
Judith Durham Web site, October 3, 2022: Home (Judith Durham AO; died August 5, 2022) Biography (Australian singer; member of The Seekers)
Invalid LCCNno 98028366