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Venturoli, Giuseppe, 1768-1846

LC control 95034979
Personal name headingVenturoli, Giuseppe, 1768-1846
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Found inAnnotazioni agli Elementi di meccanica e d'idraulica del professore Giuseppe Venturoli, 1818: t.p. (Giuseppe Venturoli)
Poggendorf, J.C. Biographisches literarisches Handwörterbuch der exacten Wissenschaften, 1965: Bd. 2, col. 1194 (Venturoli, Giuseppe; b. 1/21/1768, Bologna; d. 10/19/1846, Bologna; professor of mathematics, Bologna, president of the Consiglio idraulico and director of the engineering school, Rome)
BM (Venturoli, Giuseppe, the Elder)
BN (Venturoli, Giuseppe)
CLIO: t. 6, p. 4740 (Venturoli, Giuseppe)