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Symmachus, Pope, -514

LC control 95041564
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSymmachus, Pope, -514
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Variant(s)Simmaco, Papa, -514
Symmachus, Pope, d. 514
See alsoCatholic Church. Pope (498-514 : Symmachus)
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Death date0514
Found inZwei Päpste in Rom, c1993: t.p. (Symmachus)
Enc. Brit., c1995: (Symmachus, Saint; b. in Sardinia, d. July 19, 514 in Rome; Pope from 498 to 514)
Società Chiesa e Stato ... 1996: t.p. (Papa Simmaco)
LC in OCLC, 4/7/98 (hdg.: Symmachus, Pope, d. 514; usage: Symmachus)