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Simplicianus, Saint, approximately 320-400

LC control 96017534
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSimplicianus, Saint, approximately 320-400
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Variant(s)Simpliciano, Saint, approximately 320-400
Simplicianus, Saint, ca. 320-400
Birth date0320~
Death date0400
Found inSimpliciano, c1994: t.p. (vescovo della Chiesa milanese) p. 165 (b. ca. 320; priest in Milan; chosen by Ambrose as his successor, Simplicianus was made Bishop of Milan in 397; d. 400)
Oxford dict. of the Christian Church, 2. ed., 1974 (Simplicianus, St., Bp. of Milan; d. 400; in 397 succeeded Ambrose as Bp. of Milan)