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Duban, Félix, 1798-1870

LC control 96037966
Personal name headingDuban, Félix, 1798-1870
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Variant(s)Duban, Jacques-Félix, 1798-1870
Found inFélix Duban, c1996: p. 247, etc. (Jacques Félix Duban; b. Oct. 14, 1798; d. Oct. 8, 1870, Bordeaux; to enter Ecole des beaux-arts he added a year to his birth date; this erroneous date is given in most biographies)
Macmillan encyclopedia of architects, c1982 (Duban, Félix; Félix Louis Jacques Duban (1797-1870))
Dict. de la biog. franç., 1967 (Duban, Félix-Louis-Jacques; b. Oct. 14, 1797; d. Oct. 7, 1870)
Gd. Larousse encyc. (Duban, Félix Louis Jacques; 1797-1870)
The dict. of art, 1996 (Duban, (Jacques-)Félix; b. Oct. 14, 1797; d. Oct. 12, 1870)
McGraw-Hill art (Duban, Jacques Félix; 1797-1870)