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Apion, approximately 25 B.C.-approximately 45 A.D

LC control 99000135
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingApion, approximately 25 B.C.-approximately 45 A.D.
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Variant(s)Alexandrino, Apion, approximately 25 B.C.-approximately 45 A.D.
Apion Alexandrino, approximately 25 B.C.-approximately 45 A.D.
Apion, ca. 25 B.C.-ca. 45 A.D.
Apion, der Grammatiker, approximately 25 B.C.-approximately 45 A.D.
Apyon, approximately 25 B.C.-approximately 45 A.D.
Birth date-0024~
Death date0045~
Found inApion der Grammatiker ... 1886.
RLIN, Jan. 4, 1999 (hdg.: Apion, 1st century: usage: Apion Alexandrino; Apyon)
LC in RLIN, Jan. 4, 1999 (hdg.: Apion, ca. 25 B.C.-ca. 45 A.D.)
The Oxford classical dictionary, 1996 (Apion, fl. 1st cent. A.D.; succeeded Theon as head of the Alexandrian school)