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Eta Carinae

LC control 00000390
Geographic headingEta Carinae
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Variant(s)Eta Car
HD 93308 (Astronomy)
See alsoVariable stars
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Special noteThis heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision.
Found inWork cat.: 99063636: Eta Carinae at the millennium, 1999: p. xx (during 1840s became second brightest star in sky; also known as the most luminous, most massive star in our region of the Galaxy)
Gloss. astron. astrophys. ([eta] Carinae (HD 93308): a peculiar nova-like variable star in the constellation Carina 2.5 kpc distant, with an extreme IR excess, a surrounding dust shell, and H II regions)
Facts on File dict. astron. (Eta Carinae ([eta] Car))
Concise dict. astron. (Eta Carinae)