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Assal, Lake (Djibouti)

LC control 00004924
Geographic headingAssal, Lake (Djibouti)
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Geographic subdivision usageDjibouti--Assal, Lake
Variant(s)Asal, Lake (Djibouti)
Lac Assal (Djibouti)
Lake Asal (Djibouti)
Lake Assal (Djibouti)
See alsoSalt lakes--Djibouti
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Found inWork cat.: 99891404: Lake Asal, 198-.
GeoNet, via WWW, Sept. 18, 2000: under Djibouti (Assal, Lac; LKN; 11⁰39ʹN, 42⁰24ʹN; variant: Assal, Lake)
Col. gaz. (Assal, Lake; Djibouti; salt lake; 10 mi. long, 4 mi. wide; c. 500 ft. below sea level; consists of salt flats in W. portion)
GeoNames [algorithmically matched] lake; 11°39ʹ52ʺN 042°24ʹ05ʺE;
Invalid LCCNn 99908729