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LC control no.sh2001002975
LC classificationQ172.5.P77
Topical headingPseudoscience
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Variant(s)Junk science
See alsoScience
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Found inWork cat.: 2001024426: Quantum leaps in the wrong direction : where real science ends and pseudoscience begins, c2001.
Web. 3 (pseudoscience: a system of theories, assumptions, and methods erroneously regarded as scientific)
Random House (pseudoscience)
Wikipedia, Oct. 18, 2004 (pseudoscience: any body of knowledge purported to be scientific or supported by science but which fails to comply with the scientific method. Pseudoscience is a kind of counterfeit or masquerade of science which makes use of some of the superficial trappings of science but does not involve the substance of science. Junk science: a term used to derogate purportedly scientific data, research, alayses, or clasims which are driven by political, financial or other questionable motives. Like many other ideological terms, there is often no political agreement as to which side of a debate constitutes 'junk,' and which 'real' science, though the scientiric community may have a overwhelming majority opinion. Public debates on environmental and health issues seem particularly prone to this problem.)