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South West Islands (Indonesia)

LC control no.sh2003009089
Geographic headingSouth West Islands (Indonesia)
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Geographic subdivision usageIndonesia--South West Islands
Variant(s)Barat Daja Islands (Indonesia)
Barat Daya Islands (Indonesia)
Barat Daya, Kepulauan (Indonesia)
Barat Laut Islands (Indonesia)
Kepulauan Barat Daja (Indonesia)
Kepulauan Barat Daya (Indonesia)
Pulau-pulau Barat Daja (Indonesia)
Pulau Pulau Barat Laut (Indonesia)
Zuid-Wester-Eilanden (Indonesia)
See alsoIslands--Indonesia
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Lesser Sunda Islands
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Found inWork cat.: U.S. National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Banda Sea, Indonesia--East Timor, approaches to Dili, 2001: map recto (Kepulauan Barat Daya)
GEOnames, Indonesia, July 24, 2003 (Barat Daya, Kepulauan; isls.; 07°25ʹ00ʺS 128°00ʹ00ʺE)
Web. geog. (Barat Daya, Kepulauan; or Eng., South West Islands; SE pt. of Indonesia, on S. edge of Banda Sea and NE of Timor; includes the islands of Wetar, Kisar, Damar, Moa, and Sermata)
Times atlas of the world, c1999: index (Barat Daya, Kepulauan; is.; Maluku, Indon.) map (Kepulauan Barat Daya)
New international atlas, 1994: index (Barat Daya, Kepulauan; islands) map (Kepulauan Barat Daya)
GEOnet, Aug. 6, 2003 (Barat Daya, Kepulauan; variants: Zuid-Wester-Eilanden; South West Islands; Barat Laut, Pulau Pulau; Barat Daja, Pulau-pulau; Barat Daja, Kepulauan)
GeoNames [algorithmically matched] (island; 07°25ʹ00ʺS 128°00ʹ00ʺE)
Wikipedia, Apr. 23, 2019 (The Barat Daya Islands (Indonesian: Kepulauan Barat Daya) are a group of islands in the Maluku province of Indonesia; located off the eastern end of East Timor. Wetar is the largest island in the group; geographically part of the Lesser Sunda Islands)
The nine major Lesser Sunda Islands, via, Apr. 23, 2019 (2. Barat Daya Islands. Part of the Indonesian province of Maluku, the Barat Daya Islands include the Damar, Liran, Wetar, Romang, and Kisar islands. Wetar is the largest island in this island group)
Not found inColumbia gaz.