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Cootie catchers

LC control no.sh2003009656
Topical headingCootie catchers
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Variant(s)Catchers, Cootie
Fortune tellers (Paper work)
Origami cootie catchers
See alsoPaper work
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Found inWork cat.: Cootie catcher : your own personal fortune teller, c1999.
Google search, July 16, 2003 (cootie catcher, origami cootie catcher)
eCrush website, July 16, 2003: fortunes/cootie catcher (an origami-style device constructed out of a single sheet of paper and used on playgrounds the world over to tell a fortune)
LC database, July 16, 2003 (ti: The cootie catcher book; subtitle on cover: Tear-'em-out, fold-'em-up, fortune tellers; keywords: Cootie catchers, Fortune tellers)
Not found inOED; Britannica online; Amer. Heritage dict. of the Engl. lang., c2000; Web. 3