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Portland Vase

LC control no.sh2005002689
Topical headingPortland Vase
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Variant(s)Barberini Vase
See alsoGlassware, Roman
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Vases, Roman
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Found inWork cat.: Brooks, R. The mystery of the Portland Vase, 2004., Apr. 22, 2005 (The Portland Vase. First-century Roman glass vase, believed to have been made in Alexandria some time between 20 BC and the year 100; after being owned by the Barberini family for some two hundred years, was purchased by Sir William Hamilton and brought to England; ended up in the possession of William Bentinck, the Duke of Portland; loaned to the British Museum, at which point it was dubbed the "Portland Vase"; since 1945 has belonged to the British Museum)
Columbia encyclopedia via WWW, Apr. 22, 2005 (Barberini Vase see Portland Vase)
Invalid LCCNn 2004008253