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LC control no.sh2005004676
Topical headingWavelengths
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See alsoLength measurement
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Found inWork cat.: Balla, R.J. Raman shifting a tunable ArF excimer laser to wavelengths of 190 to 240 nm with a forced convection Raman cell, 2000: abstr. (Tunable radiation, at ultraviolet wavelengths, is produced by Raman shifting a modified 285-mJ ArF excimer laser)
McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms, 2003: (wavelength -- [physics] -- The distance between two points having the same phase in two consecutive cycles of a periodic wave, along a line in the direction of propagation)
Academic Press dictionary of science and technology, 1992: (wavelength -- physics -- the spatial distance between adjacent points of equal phase)
Encyclopedia of physical science and technology, 2002: (wavelength -- fundamental length scale over which a wave repeats itself)