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LC control no.sh2007009593
Topical headingSuperheroes
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Variant(s)Comic book heroes
Super heroes
See alsoFictitious characters
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Scope noteHere are entered works about fictional heroes who possess abilities beyond those of normal human beings. Works about real people who are admired for their achievements, courage, or noble qualities are entered under Heroes.
Subject example tracingNote under Heroes
Found inWork cat.: The last days of Krypton /Kevin J. Anderson, c2007.
Karma girl , c2007.
Green Lantern: hero's quest , c2005.
Hellboy: a novelization, c2004.
Hulk, c2003. www site, June 23, 2008 (superhero; also known as: super hero; a figure, especially in a comic strip or cartoon, endowed with superhuman powers and usually portrayed as fighting evil or crime; called also: comic book heroes because they appear most often in comic books)