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Halbe, Battle of, Germany, 1945

LC control no.sh2008003307
Topical headingHalbe, Battle of, Germany, 1945
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See alsoWorld War, 1939-1945--Campaigns--Germany
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Found inWork cat.: Lakowski, R. Der Kessel von Halbe 1945 : das letzte Drama, 2004.
Wikipedia www site April 23, 2008 (The Battle of Halbe lasted from April 24 to May 1, 1945. It was a battle in which the German Ninth Army, under the command of Colonel General Theodor Busse, was destroyed by the Red Army during the Battle for Berlin.) (Battle of Halbe: Marshal Konev's forces cut off and surrounded the Werhmacht's 9th Army in the forest south of Berlin, near the small town of Halbe.)