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LC control no.sh2010012303
LC classificationHQ77.96 HQ77.965
Topical headingTransphobia
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Variant(s)Anti-transgender bias
Discrimination against transgender people
Transgender discrimination
See alsoDiscrimination
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Found inWork cat.: Bryant, K. Transgender people in the U.S. military, 2008: PDF p. 1 (transgender servicemembers and veterans, like many transgender people in the U.S., face various forms of discrimination based on their transgender status. Transgender people in particular faced discrimination while serving in the military, as well as when they accessed or tried to access services through VA Hospitals; nearly one third of the survey participants reported having experienced some form of discrimination in the workplace; the same amount reported some other form of non-employment related discrimination, such as being unable to obtain identification documents that reflected their new name and gender; survey collected data on discrimination in the military and discrimination outside of the military (e.g. employment, housing))
Loudes, C.M.H. Handbook on monitoring and reporting homophobic and transphobic incidents, 2008: p. 7 (Transphobic incidents refer to acts motivated by hatred towards individuals or groups because of gender identity or gender expression. Homophobia and transphobia also manifest themselves through: homophobic bullying; hate speech by political or religious leaders and organised groups)
Wikipedia, Oct. 29, 2010 (Transphobia (or less commonly, transprejudice and trans-misogyny, referring to transphobia directed toward transwomen, or trans-misandry, referring to transphobia directed toward transmen) refers to discrimination against transsexualism and transsexual or transgender people, based on the expression of their internal gender identity) Feb. 19, 2012 (Transphobia (or less commonly cissexism, transprejudice, and trans-misogyny, referring to transphobia directed toward trans women, or trans-misandry, referring to transphobia directed toward trans men) is a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards transsexualism and transsexual or transgender people, based on the expression of their internal gender identity)
Laframboise, S. An introduction to gender, transgender, and transphobia, via WWW, viewed Oct. 29, 2010 (the discrimination that transgendered people face; gender-based discrimination or "transphobia")
Grant, J.M. Injustice at every turn, ©2011: t.p. (transgender discrimination) p. 2 (anti-transgender bias)
Moodie-Mills, A.C. Jumping beyond the broom, 2012, viewed online, Feb. 19, 2012: p. 24 (antitransgender bias)