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Illustrious Class (Aircraft carriers)

LC control no.sh2010013772
Topical headingIllustrious Class (Aircraft carriers)
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See alsoAircraft carriers
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Found inWork cat.: McCart, N. The Illustrious & Implacable classes of aircraft carrier 1940-1969, 2000.
Wikipedia, Sept. 21, 2010: under Illustrious class aircraft carrier (the Illustrious class was a class of aircraft carrier of the Royal Navy; the class comprised four vessels, Illustrious, Formidable, Victorious and Indomitable; Victorious took part in the chase of the German battleship Bismarck, Illustrious and Formidable played prominent parts in the battles in the Mediterranean during 1940 and 1941 and all three took part in the large actions of the British Pacific Fleet in 1945)