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Geotechnical engineering

LC control no.sh2013000289
LC classificationTA703 TA705.4
Topical headingGeotechnical engineering
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Variant(s)Engineering, Geotechnical
See alsoEngineering geology
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Found inWork cat: Sound geotechnial research to practice, 2013.
Wikipedia, viewed Jan. 31, 2013 (Geotechnical engineering; branch of civil engineering; concerns engineering behavior of earth materials; closely related field: Engineering geology, which is a branch of geology)
McGraw-Hill concise encyclopedia of science and technology, 2009: (under engineering geology; describes a more specific field termed geotechnics)
Inspec, viewed Jan. 31, 2013 (Controlled indexing: Geotechnical engineering; uncontrolled: Geotechnology)