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LC control no.sh2017003467
Topical headingNeurofeedback
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Variant(s)EEG biofeedback
Neurotherapy (Neurofeedback)
See alsoBiological control systems
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Found inWork cat.: JausĖŒovec and Pahor. Increasing Intelligence, 2017: Back cover ("Increasing Intelligence overviews contemporary approaches and techniques designed to increase general cognitive ability in healthy individuals. The book covers behavioral training and different electrical stimulation methods such as TMS, tDCS, tACS, and tRNS, along with alternative approaches ranging from neurofeedback to cognitive-enhancing drugs")
Applied Neuroscience Society of Australasia WWW site, viewed May 16, 2017: Hammond, D. Corydon, "An Introduction to Neurofeedback" ("In the late 1960's and 1970's we learned that it was possible to recondition and retrain brainwave patterns. Some of this work began with the training of alpha brainwave activity for relaxation, while other work originating at UCLA focused on uncontrolled epilepsy. This training is called Neurotherapy or EEG biofeedback or Neurofeedback")