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LC control 85000744
Topical headingActors
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Variant(s)Stage actors
Theater actors
Theatrical actors
See alsoArtists
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Scope noteHere are entered general works on both male and female actors collectively, works on both male and female stage actors collectively and works on individual male and female stage actors. Works on male actors collectively are entered under Male actors. Works on female actors collectively are entered under Actresses. Works on actors, collectively or individually, specializing in particular media are entered under the appropriate specific heading, e.g. Television actors and actresses, with an additional heading Male actors or Actresses, assigned as appropriate to works of collective biography.
Subject example tracingExample under Celebrities
Notes under Actresses; Male actors
Found inWork cat.: 2016366287: Kostzer, K. ¿Hablaste de mí?, mayo de 2015 (work is biography of an actress)
LC database, Feb. 17, 2017 (stage actors; theater actor's guide; theatre actor's guide; theatrical actor)