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Ak Koyunlu (Turkic people)

LC control 85003037
LC classificationDS27.52
Topical headingAk Koyunlu (Turkic people)
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Variant(s)Ak Koyunlus (Turkic people)
Akkoyunlu (Turkic people)
Aq Qoyunlu (Turkic people)
White Sheep Turkmen
See alsoEthnology--Asia
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Found inBritannica Micro. (Ak Koyunlu, also spelled Aq Qoyunlu (Turkish: white sheep): Turkmen tribal federation that ruled northern Iraq, Azerbaijan and eastern Anatolia from AD 1378 to 1508)
Encyc. Am.: v. 15, p. 381 (Ak Koyunlu (Aq Qoyunlu, or White Sheep Turkomans))
Wikipedia, Feb. 2, 2006 (Ak Koyunlu (redirected from White Sheep Turkmen). The Akkoyunlu or the White Sheep Turkomans were a Turkoman tribal federation that ruled present-day Azerbaijan, eastern Anatolia, northern Iraq and Western Iran from 1378-1508)