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Angola--History--Civil War, 1975-2002

LC control 85005116
LC classificationDT1428
Geographic headingAngola--History--Civil War, 1975-2002
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Found inWork cat.: Ortiz, J.M. Angola : un abril como GiroĢn, 1980.
U.S. Cong. House. Comm.on International Relations. Subcomm. on Africa. Angola, prospects for durable peace and economic reconstruction, hearing ... 2002: p. 1 (UNITA soldiers have surrendered their arms following a memorandum of understanding signed by the Angolan armed forces and the Unita Military commander on the 4th of April)
Phone call to Dept. of State, Angola Desk, Oct. 10, 2002 (the civil war in Angola ended in 2002)
ABC news online, Jan. 3, 2003 (Angola's civil war over April 4, 2002. Angolan army chiefs and the UNITA rebels have officially signed a ceasefire agreement in the capital, Lusaka, bringing to an end the country's 27-year civil war.)