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Orb weavers

LC control 85006417
LC classificationQL458.42.A7 Zoology
Topical headingOrb weavers
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Orb spiders
Orb-weaving spiders
Orb web spiders
Orbweaving spiders
See alsoSpiders
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Found inGertsch, W. American spiders, 1979: p. 164 (orb weavers)
Web. 3 (orb weaver, a spider of the family Argiopidae, orb-spider)
Random House (orb weaver)
Encarta world Eng. dict. (orb weaver)
Americana (orb weaver: spider of the family Argiopidae, most familiarly represented by the garden spider)
Britannica Micro. (orb weaver: any spider of the family Araneidae)
Audubon Soc. field guide to No. Amer. insects and spiders: p. 879 (orb weavers (family Araneidae))
Burton M. Encyc. of insects and arachnids, 1977 (orb spider)
Book of knowledge, 2000: v. 17, p. 403 (orb-weaving spiders; orb weavers)
Preston-Mafham, R. Spiders of the world, 1984: p. 45 (orb web spiders, family Araneidae)
Guarisco, H. Checklist of Kansas orbweaving spiders, 2005: p. 3 (orbweavers) p. 7 (orb weavers)