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Art brut

LC control 85007984
LC classificationN7432.5.A78
Topical headingArt brut
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Variant(s)Brut, Art
Psychiatric art
Psychotic art
Raw art
See alsoArt
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Scope noteHere are entered works on drawings, paintings, and doodlings by people without formal training who have escaped cultural conditioning and social conformism, e.g., people with mental disabilities.
Found inAAT (art brut: use for art where the artistic impulse appears in a raw, uncivilized state, particularly work created by people isolated from society such as prisoners and the mentally ill. Use amateur art when referring to any art created by nonprofessionals; UF art of the insane; art, outsider; art, psychiatric; art, psychotic; art, raw; brut, art; insane, art of the; l'art brut; outsider art; psychiatric art; psychotic art; raw art)