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Basilisks (Reptiles)

LC control 85012101
LC classificationQL666.L236
Topical headingBasilisks (Reptiles)
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See alsoCorytophanidae
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Found inSyn. liv. org.: v. 2, p. 960.
Frank, N. A complete guide to scientific and common names of reptiles and amphibians of the world, c1995: p. 165 (Basiliscus--basilisks)
Obst, F.J. The completely ill. atlas of reptiles and amphibians for the terrarium, c1988: p. 92 (Basiliscus. Basilisks)
Am. her. dict. (basilisk: a legendary serpent or dragon; any of various tropical American lizards of genus Basiliscus)
Conant, R. A field guide to reptiles and amphibians, 1991: p. 94 (genus Basiliscus, family Corytophanidae)
Frost, D.R. A phylogenetic analysis and taxonomy of iguanian lizards ... 1989: p. 35 (Basiliscus; Corytophanidae)