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LC control 85013838
LC classificationZ1001 Z9000
Topical headingBibliography
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Variant(s)Book lists
Lists of publications
Publication lists
See alsonames of literatures, e.g. American literature; and subdivision Bibliography under names of persons, places and subjects; also subdivision Bibliography--Methodology under specific subjects, e.g. Medicine--Bibliography--Methodology; and subdivision Imprints under names of countries, states, cities, etc.
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Library science
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Scope noteUnder this heading, when subdivided by place and appropriate topical subdivision, are entered works which discuss the theories, methods, history, etc. of the discipline of bibliography practiced within a particular region or country, e.g. Bibliography--United States--History; Bibliography--United States--Methodology.
Works on the technique of compiling national bibliographies, i.e. lists of titles produced in one country, lists of titles produced in the language of one country without regard to place of publication, lists of titles produced by citizens of one country whether residing in that country or elsewhere, or lists of titles about one country, are entered under Bibliography, National with country subdivision, e.g. Bibliography, National--United States.
Actual lists of titles published in a particular country are entered under the name of the country with subdivision Imprints, e.g. United States--Imprints.
Actual lists of titles published in the language of one country without regard to place of publication are entered under phrase headings of the type English imprints.
Actual lists of titles about a particular country are entered under the name of the country with subdivision Bibliography, e.g. United States--Bibliography.