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LC control 85014262
Topical headingBiosynthesis
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Variant(s)Biological synthesis
Synthesis, Biological
See alsosubdivision Synthesis under individual chemicals and groups of chemicals, e.g. Insulin--Synthesis
Biochemical engineering
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Organic compounds--Synthesis
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Synthetic biology
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Biochemical templates
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Found inNatural product biosynthesis by microorganisms and plants. Part C, 2012.
Li, X. Origin of life and synthetic biology : DNA-templated polymerization of synthetic molecules, 2002: p. 261 (in "synthetic biology", each gene in the template can be translated using different synthetic substrates)
Synthetic biology and metabolic engineering in plants and microbes, 2016 partial contents (Directing biosynthesis : practical supply of natural and unnatural cyanobactins -- Synthetic biology approaches to new bisindoles -- Engineering microbes to synthesize plant isoprenoids -- Natural product biosysnthesis in Escherichia coli : Menta monoterpenoids -- Prequels to synthetic biology : from candidate gene identification and validation to enzyme subcellular localization in plant and yeast cells)