LC control no. | sh 85023188 |
LC classification | E99.C53 |
Topical heading | Cheyenne Indians |
Variant(s) | Suhtai Indians Suhtaio Indians TsisTsisTsas Indians Tsitsistas Indians |
See also | Algonquian Indians Indians of North America--Great Plains |
Found in | Keefe, Brian L. Ma'heo's children, 2014: subtitle (The early history of the Cheyenne and Suhtaio Indians from prehistoric times to A.D. 1700) page xv (The Cheyenne nation is composed of two related tribes, namely the TsisTsisTsas (Cheyenne proper) and Suhtaio. Although speaking varied dialects they have since the mid-eighteen-thirties, been incorporated as one people) Greene, Jerome A. Washita: The U.S. Army and the Southern Cheyennes, 1867-1869, 2004: page 8 (Among the incipient peoples who inhabited the prairies east of the Great Plains were a group of Algonquian hunters, fishermen and agriculturalists who lived in earthen lodges. They called themselves TsisTsisTsas, meaning "the human beings" or "the people", but in time were known as "Cheyennes", a name probably given them by a Siouian-speaking neighboring tribe) National Museum of the American Indian cultural thesaurus online, May 11, 2015: (Tsitsistas/Suhtai (Cheyenne)) |