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LC control 85039316
LC classificationPN1600 PN3307.2 General
Topical headingDrama
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Drama, Modern
Dramatic works
See alsosubdivision Drama under names of countries, cities, etc., names of individual persons, families, and corporate bodies, under classes of persons and ethnic groups, under names of deities and mythological or legendary figures, individual and groups of fictitious and legendary characters, and topical headings for plays, musical dramatic works, fictional visual materials, or fictional non-music sound recordings on those subjects; and headings for drama qualified by linguistic, national or regional terms, e.g. Latin drama; American drama; European drama
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Scope noteHere are entered works on drama as a literary form. Works on drama as acted on the stage are entered under Theater. Works on facilities used to stage drama are entered under Theaters.
Subject example tracingExample under Literary form
Notes under Theater; Theaters
Found inCalderón de la Barca, P. Eight dramas of Calderón, 2000.
Pushkin, A.S. Boris Godunov and other dramatic works, 2007.
Hirsch, M.E. Chinese shadow theater playscripts, 1998.