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Rare earths

LC control 85040502
LC classificationQD172.R2 Chemistry
QE390.2.R37 Mineralogy
TA418.9.R37 Engineering materials
Topical headingRare earths
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Variant(s)Earths, Rare
Lanthanide oxides
Metal oxides, Rare earth
Rare earth materials
Rare earth metal oxides
Rare earth minerals
Rare earth oxides
See alsoMinerals
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Rare earth metal compounds
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Found inRandom House (rare earth: the oxide of any of the rare-earth elements contained in various minerals)
McGraw-Hill dict. sci. tech. (rare earth mineral: a mineral having a high concentration of rare earth elements: examples: monazite, xenotime, bastnaesite)
Gloss. geol. (rare earths: oxides of a series of 15 metallic elements from lanthanum to lutetium, and of yttrium, thorium, and scandium)
ASTI (Rare earths)
Engr. index (Rare earths)
TEST (Rare earth minerals UF Rare earths)
U.S. Cong. House. Comm. on Science and Technology (2007). Rare Earths and Critical Materials Revitalization Act of 2010, 2010: p. 1 (rare earth materials) p. 2 (the term "rare earth materials" means any of the following chemical elements in any of their physical forms or chemical combinations: scandium ...) p. 5 (rare earth materials, or rare earths, are critical componenets ...)
Wong, H. Nano-CMOS gate dielectric engineering, 2012: table of contents (rare earth metal oxides)
Wang, R. Rare-earth metal oxides for automotive emission reduction technology, 2012, viewed online Nov. 29, 2012: slide 2 (rare-earth and transition metal oxides
Hussein, G.A.M. Rare earth metal oxides, in Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis, Sept. 1996, viewed online Nov. 29, 2012: p. 111 (Rare earth metal oxides; rare earth oxide precursors) p. 112 (rare earth (RE) metal oxides (lanthanide oxides); RE oxides; RE metal oxides)