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LC control 85045081
LC classificationQD305.E7 Organic chemistry
RD86.E8 Anesthetic
Topical headingEther
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Diethyl ether
Ether (Anesthetic)
Ethyl ether
Ethyl oxide
See alsoAnesthetics
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Found in92-234653: Diethyl ether, c1992.
MeSH browser, Sept. 30, 2005 (Ether, Ethyl: a mobile, very volatile, highly flammable liquid used as an inhalation anesthetic and as a solvent for waxes, fats, oils, perfumes, alkaloids, and gums. Entry terms: Diethyl Ether, Ether, Ethyl Ether)
Dorland's med. dict (ether [USP], chemical name: diethyl ether. A colorless, transparent, mobile, very volatile liquid, with a characteristic odor and highly flammable, used by inhalation as a general anesthetic. Called also ethyl ether and ethyl oxide.)
Hawley chem. dict.
Invalid LCCNsh 85045082