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Fula (African people)

LC control 85052277
LC classificationDT352.43.F84 Central Africa
DT547.45.F84 Niger
DT554.45.F84 Mauritania
DT555.45.F85 Burkina Faso
DT571.F84 Cameroon
DT510.43.F84 Ghana
Topical headingFula (African people)
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Variant(s)Adamawa Fula (African people)
Adamawa Fulani (African people)
Eastern Fulani (African people)
Felata (African people)
Fellani (African people)
Foulah (African people)
FoulbeĢ (African people)
Ful (African people)
Fulah (African people)
Fulani (African people)
Fulbe (African people)
Fulfede (African people)
Fulfulde (African people)
Futa (African people)
Peul (African people)
Peulh (African people)
See alsoEthnology--Africa, West
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Ethnology--Sudan (Region)
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Tukulor (African people)
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Found inWork cat.: Mohammadou, E. Peuples et Royaumes du Foumbina, 1983.
Ethnologue: p. 79 (Fula, Adamawa (Adamawa Fulani, Peul, Eastern Fulani)) p. 137 (Fula, Adamawa (Eastern Fulani, Fulfulde, Fulbe, Fulani))
Handbk. ethnog.: p. 85 (Fula, Fulah)
Illus. encyc. mankind: v. 6, p. 744; v. 10, p. 1289.
Murdock world cult.: p. 16 (Fulbe (Felata, Fula, Fulani, Peul)) p. 99 (Fula (Fulah))
Voegelin lang.: p. 29 (Ful(a) (Fulani, Fulbe, Fulah, Fellani, Fulfulde, Fulfede, Futa, Peul, Toucouleur, Tukolor))
Beidi, B.H. Les peuls du Dallol Basso, 1993.
Tonah, Steve. Pastoral Fulani livelihood in contemporary Ghana, 2022: page 227 (the Fulani population in Ghana is estimated at between 100,000 and 300,000 persons (Tonah 2005a))