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Wyandot Indians

LC control 85063182
LC classificationE99.H9
Topical headingWyandot Indians
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Variant(s)Guyandot Indians
Huron Indians
Wanat Indians
Wandot Indians
Weinondot Indians
Wendat Indians
Wundat Indians
Wyandott Indians
Wyandotte Indians
See alsoIndians of North America--Kansas
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Indians of North America--Oklahoma
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Indians of North America--Ontario
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Iroquoian Indians
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Found inEthnologue: p. 55 (Wyandot (Huron) Ontario, Okla.)
Phone call to Bureau of Indian Affairs, 11/22/91 (Wyandot (Wyandotte ) is preferred form by the agency and the people)
Voegelin lang.: p. 187 (Wyandot (Wanat, Wandot, Weinondot, Wundat, Guyandot, Huron) Ontario, Okla.)
Waldman, C. Atlas No. Am. Ind.: p. 132 (Wyandot, Okla., Kansas)
Zisa, C. Am. Ind. lang.: p. 43 (Huron)
94-178363: Sioui, G.E. Les wendats ... 1994.
In the senate of the United States, 1882: p. 1 (Wyandott treaty)