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Health insurance

LC control 85066932
LC classificationHG9371 HG9399 General
RA412 RA412.5 Medicine and the state
Topical headingHealth insurance
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Variant(s)Health plans, Prepaid
Insurance, Health
Medical care, Prepaid
Medical insurance
Prepaid health plans
Prepaid medical care
Sickness insurance
See alsoheadings for specific types of health insurance, e.g. Cancer insurance
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Ambulance service--Prospective payment
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Health care reform
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Home care services--Prospective payment
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Hospitals--Emergency services--Prospective payment
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Hospitals--Outpatient services--Prospective payment
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Hospitals--Rehabilitation services--Prospective payment
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Medically uninsured persons
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Surgical clinics--Prospective payment
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