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Jacalteca Indians

LC control 85069175
LC classificationF1465.2.J3 Guatemala
Topical headingJacalteca Indians
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Variant(s)Jacaltec Indians
Jacalteco Indians
Jakaltek Indians
Jakalteka Indians
Jakalteko Indians
Jakaltekobal Indians
Popti' Indians
See alsoIndians of Central America--Guatemala
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Indians of Mexico
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Found inWorley, Paul. Pan-Maya and "trans-indigenous": the living voice of the Chilam Balam in Victor Montejo and Leslie Marmon Silko, 2016: p. 2 (Jakaltek Maya writer Victor Montejo)
Wikipedia, May 25, 2016 (entry: Jakaltek people; a Mayan people of Guatemala; they have lived in the foothills of the Cuchumatan Mountains in the Department of Huehuetenango in northwestern Guatemala since pre-Columbian times, centered on the town of Jacaltenango; located on a plateau overlooking Mexico, Jacaltenango is 1,437 m above sea level and its surrounding villages are located at both higher and lower elevations; the town of Jacaltenango is a governmental, religious, and market center of the region)