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LC control 85071589
LC classificationBM185 BM185.4
Topical headingKaraites
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Variant(s)Baʻale Miḳra
Baʻalei Mikra
Bene Miḳra
Benei Mikra
Karaʼim (Jewish sect)
See alsoJewish sects
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Scope noteHere are entered works on the Jewish sect known as Karaites and works on its adherents as a class of persons. Works on the Turkic ethnic group residing in Eastern Europe are entered under Karaims.
Found in93193926: Karaimy, 1992.
Ethnologue: p. 469.
Web. 3 (Karaite; Karaism or Karaitism)
Random House (Karaite; Karaism or Karaitism)
Encyc. Judaica (Karaites; Heb., Ḳaraʼim, Bene Miḳra, Baʻale Miḳra; Benei Mikra, Baʻalei Mikra [in rom.])