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Lek behavior

LC control 85075934
Topical headingLek behavior
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Variant(s)Animals--Lek behavior
Arenas (Lek behavior)
Lek mating behavior
Leks and lek behavior
Mating behavior, Lek
See alsoCourtship in animals
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Display behavior in animals
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Found inIsvaran, K. The evolution of lekking, 2003.
Henderson's dict. of biological terms, 2000 (lek: special arena removed from nesting and feeding grounds, used for communal courtship display (lekking) preceding mating in some birds (e.g. ruffs and grouse). The term is sometimes applied to similar areas used by other animals for communal displays; lekking: highly ritualized sexual display by birds such as grouse, which takes place on a particular display ground, the lek, and which precedes mating)
McGraw-Hill dict. sci. tech. terms, c2003 (lek: A gathering place for courtship. Also known as arena)
LC database, July 6, 2005 (lek mating behavior; lek behavior; leks; arena birds)