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Lozi language

LC control 85078695
LC classificationPL8460
Topical headingLozi language
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Variant(s)Balozi language
Kololo language
Rotse language
Rozi language
Rozvi language
Rutse language
Sikololo language
Silozi language
Tozvi language
See alsoNamibia--Languages
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Sotho-Tswana languages
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Found inEthnologue, 12th ed., 1992: p. 435, under Zambia (Lozi (var. Silozi, Rozi, Tozvi, Rotse, Rutse, Rutse, Kololo); Barotseland, Western Province and Southern Province near Livingstone. Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, Benue-Congo, Bantoid, Southern, Broad Bantu, Narrow Bantu, Central, S., Sotho-Tswana.) p. 438, under Zimbabwe (Lozi, (var. Silozi, Rozi, Rozvi, Rotse, Rutse, Kololo))
Fivaz, D. and P. Scott. African langs., 1977: p. 61, under Zozi Group (siLozi, var. Rozi, Rotse, Rozvi, siKololo, Kololo)
Ethnologue. 13th ed. Internet ed.: under Namibia (Lozi (Silozi, Rozi, Tozvi, Rotse, Rutse, Kololo)) under Zambia (Loxi (Silozi, Rozi, Tozvi, Rotse, Rutse, Kololo)) under Zimbabwe (Lozi (Silozi, Rozi, Rozvi, Tozvi, Rotse, Tutse, Kololo))
Current trends linguistics: v. 7, p. 836 (siLozi, also: Rozi, Rozvi, Rotse, Rutse, Kololo)
Biebuyck, D. African ethnonyms, 1996: p. 156 (Lozi (Zambia, Zimbabwe), var. Balozi; subcategories Kololo. Note: Bantu language)
96980641: Kashoki, M.E. Loanwords in Lozi, Nyanja and Tonga : a preliminary presentation, c1994.