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LC control 85079604
LC classificationBF1585 BF1623 Occultism
GN475.3 Ethnology
Topical headingMagic
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See alsoOccultism
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Scope noteHere are entered works on the use of charms, spells, etc., believed to have supernatural power to produce or prevent a particular result considered unobtainable by natural means. Works on performance of sleight of hand or tricks involving various types of illusion for purposes of entertainment are entered under Magic tricks.
Subject example tracingNote under Magic tricks
Found inWikipedia WWW site, April 2, 2004: Magick page (magick: a spelling of "magic" introduced by Aleister Crowley "to differentiate 'true' magic from illusion or stage magic ... Modern practitioners of magick often rely on one or more systems of magick to produce their effects. These include chaos magick, Enochian magick, grimoire magick, goetic magick ...")
LC database, April 2, 2004 (magick; magickal)