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LC control 85082332
Topical headingMausoleums
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See alsoSepulchral monuments
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Found, July 7, 2015 (mausoleum pl. mausoleums, mausolea. 1. a stately and magnificent tomb. 2. a burial place for the bodies or remains of many individuals, often of a single family, usually in the form of a small building)
Merriam-Webster dictionary online, July 7, 2015 (mausoleum pl. mausoleums or -lea. 1. a large tomb; especially : a usually stone building with places for entombment of the dead above ground)
Cambridge dictionaries online, July 7, 2015 (mausoleum: a building in which the bodies of dead people are buried)
Encyclopædia Britannica online, July 7, 2015 (Mausoleum, large and impressive sepulchral monument. The word is derived from Mausolus, ruler of Caria, in whose memory his widow Artemisia raised a splendid tomb at Halicarnassus (c. 353-c. 350 bc), which is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Some remains of this monument are now in the British Museum. Probably the most ambitious mausoleum is the famous white marble Taj Mahal at Agra, India, built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan for his favourite wife, who died in 1631. He originally intended to build another in black marble, opposite the Taj Mahal, but died before work could begin. Other notable examples include the mausoleum of Hadrian, now the Castel Sant'Angelo, Rome; that of Frederick William III and Queen Louisa of Mecklenburg-Strelitz at Charlottenburg, near Berlin; of Napoleon III at Farnborough, Hampshire, Eng.; of Ataturk at Ankara, Tur.; and of Vladimir Lenin at Moscow)