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LC control 85082767
LC classificationQA801 QA938 Theoretical
QC120 QC168.86 Experimental
Topical headingMechanics
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Variant(s)Classical mechanics
Newtonian mechanics
See alsoPhysics
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Quantum theory
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Found in94-43965: Knudsen, J.M. Elements of Newtonian mechanics, c1995 (classical mechanics)
Britannica Micro.: v. VI, p. 739, under Mechanics, Classical (Study of the motions of material bodies of ordinary size moving at speeds that are small compared with the speed of light)
McGraw-Hill dict. sci. tech.: under Newtonian mechanics (System of mechanics based upon Newton's laws of motion in which mass and energy are considered as separate, conservative, mechanical properties, in contrast to their treatment in relativistic mechanics)