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Motion pictures--Titling

LC control 85088110
LC classificationTR886.9
Topical headingMotion pictures--Titling
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Variant(s)Motion picture titling
Motion picture subtitling
Motion pictures--Subtitling
Titling of motion pictures
Scope noteHere are entered technical works on the creation or addition of credit titles, subtitles, or other printed captions for motion pictures. Works on the identifying words or phrases used as names of motion pictures are entered under Titles of motion pictures. Works on the lists appearing on screen before or after a motion picture or television program that give the names of the actors, directors, etc., are entered under Credit titles (Motion pictures, television, etc.). Works on translations of dialogue into another language that appear on the screen during motion pictures, television programs, etc. are entered under Subtitles (Motion pictures, television, etc.).
Subject example tracingNotes under Credit titles (Motion pictures, television, etc.); Titles of motion pictures; Subtitles (Motion pictures, television, etc.)