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New Deal, 1933-1939

LC control 85091258
Topical headingNew Deal, 1933-1939
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Variant(s)New Deal, 1933-1939--United States
See alsoUnited States--Economic conditions--1918-1945
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United States--Economic policy--1933-1945
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United States--History--1933-1945
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United States--Politics and government--1933-1945
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United States--Social conditions--1933-1945
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Scope noteHere are entered works on the domestic programs of the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Great Depression of the 1930's. When this heading is assigned, additional subject entries are made under one or more of the following headings as appropriate: United States--Economic conditions--1918-1945; United States--Economic policy--1933-1945; United States--Politics and government--1933-1945; United States--Social conditions--1933-1945.