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Common pochard

LC control 85103645
LC classificationQL696.A52 Zoology
Topical headingCommon pochard
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Variant(s)Aristonetta ferina
Aythya ferina
Diver, Red-headed (Bird)
Eurasian pochard
European pochard
European pochart
Northern pochard
Red-headed diver (Bird)
See alsoAythya
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Found inThe A.O.U. Check-list of North American birds, 7th ed., via WWW, Dec. 13, 2004 (Aythya ferina, Common Pochard)
ITIS, Dec. 13, 2004 (Aythya ferina (Linnaeus, 1758) -- common pochard)
Avibase : the world database, via WWW, Dec. 13, 2004 (Common Pochard (Aythya ferina). Synonyms: Eurasian Pochard, European Pochard, European pochart, Northern Pochard, Pochard, Red-headed Diver, Aristonetta ferina)
Bird families of the world : the Sibley and Monroe classification, via WWW, Dec. 13, 2004 (Aythya ferina, Common Pochard)