The Library of Congress > LCCN Permalink

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LC control 85120251
LC classificationNE2236 NE2239.7
Topical headingSerigraphy
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Variant(s)Screen printing
Serigraphs (Prints)
Silk screen printing
Silk screen process
Silkscreen printing
Silkscreen process
Stencil printing
See alsoColor printing
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Stencil work
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Scope noteHere are entered works on the silk screen process as performed by an artist in producing an original print from his own design. Works on printing through fabric plates or screens, particularly on a commercial or industrial scale, are entered under Screen process printing.
Subject example tracingNote under Screen process printing
Found inAAT, May 23, 2001 (hdg.: screen printing; variants: printing, screen; printing, silk screen; screenprinting; screen process; screen process printing; serigraphy; silkscreen; silkscreening; silkscreen printing; silk screen printing; silk-screen printing; hdg.: screen prints; variants: prints, screen; prints, silk screen; screenprints; serigraphs; silkscreen prints; silk screen prints; silk-screen prints; silkscreens; silk screens)