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Victoria, Lake

LC control 85143182
Geographic headingVictoria, Lake
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Geographic subdivision usageVictoria, Lake
Variant(s)Lake Victoria
Ukerewe (Lake)
Victoria Nyanza
See alsoGreat Lakes (Africa)
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Found inMerriam-Web. geog. (Victoria, Lake or Victoria Nyanza. Lake, E cen. Africa, S half in Tanzania and N half in Uganda, borders on Kenya in NE; 26,828 sq. mi. (69,485 sq. km.); 2nd largest freshwater body in the world)
Thes. geog. names, via WWW, Aug. 28, 1998 (Victoria, Lake (lake); 01 deg. 00ʹS, 33 deg. 00ʹE; world's second largest body of freshwater, located between Tanzania, Uganda & Kenya; names: Victoria, Lake; Victoria Nyanza; Ukerewe)
Lippincott (Ukerewe, lake, Africa, see Victoria, Lake)