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LC control 85145749
LC classificationGB561 GB568 Geomorphology
GB980 GB992 Hydrology
Topical headingWatersheds
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Variant(s)Basins, Drainage
Basins, Lake
Basins, River
Basins, Water (Watersheds)
Catchment areas
Catchment basins
Catchments (Watersheds)
Drainage areas
Drainage basins
Drainage systems (Watersheds)
Drainages (Watersheds)
Lake basins
River basins
River catchments
River systems
Systems, River
Water basins (Watersheds)
Water catchments
See alsoheadings of the type . . . River Watershed
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Found inPhysical data and statistics of California, 1889: t.p. (drainage areas and basins)
Am. heritage dict. of the Engl. lang., 4th ed., via WWW, Mar. 10, 2001 (drainage basin: an area drained by a river system; catchment 3: a catchment area; catchment area: 1: The area drained by a river or body of water. Also called catchment basin)
Merriam-Web. collegiate dict., via WWW, Mar. 10, 2001 (drainage 3: an area or district drained)
OED online, Mar. 10, 2001 (drainage 2. a. A system of drains, artificial or natural; drainage-area; drainage-basin, the area of land drained by a river and its tributaries; a catchment area; = basin n. 12; basin 12. Phys. Geog. The tract of country drained by a river and its tributaries, or which drains into a particular lake or sea; catchment basin, area; catchment-basin is a term applied to all that part of a river-basin from which rain is collected, and from which therefore the river is fed)
Lake Tahoe basin, 1969.
LC database, Mar. 13, 2002 (lake basins; river and lake basins; drainage areas; Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage system; catchment areas; river catchments; river basins and sub catchments; catchment basins; drainage and catchment basin; drainage basins; river system; river systems; Colorado River system; lower Tombigbee River system)
Wikipedia, Nov. 21, 2006 (Drainage basin. A drainage basin (commonly referred to in North America as a watershed and Australia as a water catchment) is a region of land where water from rain or snowmelt drains downhill into a body of water, such as a river, lake, dam, estuary, wetland, sea or ocean. The drainage basin includes both the streams and rivers that convey the water as well as the land surfaces from which water drains into those channels. In addition to drainage basin and watershed, the following terms can be used to describe the same concept: catchment, catchment area, or catchment basin; drainage area; river basin; water basin)