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Wings (Anatomy)

LC control 85147012
LC classificationQL950.8 Comparative anatomy
Topical headingWings (Anatomy)
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Variant(s)Wing (Anatomy)
See alsoForelimb
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Animal flight
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Found inMESH (Wing)
Web. 3 (wing: 1.(a) an organ of aerial flight)
Merriam-Webster Dict. & Thes. online, May 2, 2007 (wing: 1.(a) one of the movable feathered or membranous paired appendages by means of which a bird, bat, or insect is able to fly; also: such an appendage even though rudimentary if possessed by an animal belonging to a group characterized by the power of flight; (b) any of various anatomical structures especially of a flying fish or flying lemur providing means of limited flight)