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Yorkshire terrier

LC control 85149232
LC classificationSF429.Y6
Topical headingYorkshire terrier
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Variant(s)Broken-haired Scotch terrier
Scotch terrier, Broken-haired
Yorkie (Dog breed)
Yorkshire terriers
See alsoTerriers
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Toy dogs
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Found inWeb. 3 (Yorkshire terrier, toy terrier)
LC database, Aug. 3, 1998 (Yorkshire terrier; yorkshire terriers; Yorkies)
AKC dogs: p. 572 (Yorkshire Terrier ... first appearance at a bench show in England in 1861 as a "broken-haired Scotch Terrier." It became known as a Yorkshire Terrier in 1870.)
Ackerman, L.J. Dr. Ackerman's book of the Yorkshire terrier, c1996: p. 6 (Yorkies)
De Prisco canine lex. (Yorkshire Terrier; Yorkie. As the breed was making its initial rounds, it was referred to as the Broken-haired Scotch Terrier, but this name was quickly replaced by the present one.)
De Prisco mini-atlas dog breeds: p. 403 (Yorkshire Terrier; Yorkie ... As the breed was making its initial rounds, it was referred to as the Broken-haired Scotch Terrier.)